Drive Business Excellence With predictive intelligence!

Imagine you’re working in IT service and you could get a heads up about a surge in the number of tickets that are headed your way. That would give you enough time to prepare yourself and circumvent the deluge without having to miss that important movie night! Knowing the future is a handy power to have in an IT service desk. You get to know when there will be a surge in requests so you can keep more agents on standby, or get the right tools to solve the problems better. The only way to look into the future (without being burned at the stake) is by leveraging something called Predictive Intelligence. Now Predictive Intelligence is not as flashy as a magic crystal ball, but it is a piece of technology that will make your job a lot easier. It imitates intelligent human behavior and gives you a heads up for an upcoming surge.

Why predictive intelligence?

With the pressure to provide perpetual 24/7 IT services increasing, so does the complexity. In order to meet employee and business demands, IT needs a proactive approach for predicting and preventing issues before interruptions or outages occur. In today’s lightning-fast digital world, IT teams can no longer afford to be reactive, especially when it comes to performance and availability. Thankfully AI and ML have made it possible for organizations to do more than respond to the spur of incidents and instead take a proactive approach to the issues. Predictive IT makes it easier to get ahead of the problems and improve productivity. Predictive IT decreases event noise and incident investigation time. AI and ML help organizations cut costs, streamline operations, raise productivity, and improve the stakeholder experience.

What can predictive intelligence do?

Let’s take a look at some use-cases that demonstrate the capabilities of predictive intelligence.

  • Scaling an organization is no feat. Organizations often need to hire employees on a large scale, and onboarding them can get tough considering the number and diversity in their roles. But with predictive intelligence, the AI helps agents in quickly identifying the different hardware and software requirements of the newly on-boarded employees by considering a bunch of variables like what is the role of the new employee and which team he/she is going to be a part of, etc.


  • An application or network downtime can easily be predicted with the help of AI, which allows the IT agents to act on it right away, and mitigating actions can be taken for mission-critical applications. By avoiding downtime, companies can preserve revenue and ultimately reduce internal friction between the IT team and the users. 


  • AI can identify burst in traffic or sudden degradation in the response time for different service APIs allowing the IT team to act on their feet to avoid a catastrophic failure. 


  • Predictive analytics can help identify how many resources will be needed or available, any given day. It can be used to predict how many tickets an IT team would receive, the number of absent agents to anticipate and handle tickets to maintain SLAs.


  • Sentiment analysis is predicting opinions from the user texts using Natural Language Processing (NLP). It is extensively used for product reviews, survey responses, and insights from a collection of text data like conversations in service tickets. User experience is vital when it comes to IT support software. Sentiment Analysis can help predict the user’s take on the quality of the service using patterns in the conversation and previous survey responses to help agents respond appropriately, thereby improving user satisfaction.


At present, Predictive analysis can not eliminate the need for human intervention. But it can sure free your IT agents from engaging in too much low-value work and enable them to focus more on adding value to the organization’s IT efforts. As the quantity and complexity of organizations grow, it becomes harder to deliver, data being at the heart of both the problem and the solution. By embracing predictive intelligence early, organizations have a great chance to put their data into the best use. With the right platform and AIML strategies, organizations can deliver great consumer-like experience and improve productivity like never before. Here is where choosing the right software comes into play. It is crucial to choose a seamless service desk that can scale and support AIML strategies to avoid challenges during the transition. 

If you are looking to implement Intelligent Automation for your organization, here’s “the guide to Intelligent Automation in IT service management” that serves you just right. Download it here and get aboard. 

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