
Incident management

Resolve issues faster, keep employees productive, and ensure business continuity while improving IT efficiency.


Less searching, more working

With Freshservice, employees can raise issues on Slack, Microsoft Teams, email, mobile apps, or support portals. Agents track incidents in a single view to speed up responses and resolutions.


Super-efficient staff, systems, and incident solutions

It teams save time with drag-and-drop automations to help them deliver on SLAs. Tickets are auto-assigned to the right agents to speed up workflows. AI assistance summarizes tickets and identifies similar incidents.

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Knowledge is power (and productivity)

Freshservice’s integrated knowledge base expedites self-service; AI assistance helps human agents auto-generate help articles and deflects simple employee queries with short, actionable responses.

Explore our knowledge base

More Freshservice features

Freshservice’s efficient incident management begins with a single view to track, prioritize, and assign tickets—and assemble the right team to resolve quickly.

Multiple SLAsSatisfaction surveysTask managementService catalogPriority matrix

Multiple SLAs

Teams can create multiple SLA policies to suit task deadlines or enforce a different policy for tickets based on business hours, specific departments, or groups.

Experience intelligent incident management, powered by AI

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